My Own Back Yard
It’s often said, “there’s no place like home”. Now I wouldn’t go quite that far as there are certainly many parts of the world I enjoy traveling to, but I have to admit, my back yard gives me a lot of pleasure.

In our current location, we back up to a wooded area that has a nature trail running through it. I have mixed feelings about this nature trail as it has had a definite impact on the wildlife (in addition to making the dog bark a lot more). There are white-tailed deer, foxes and hawks along with the typical raccoon, squirrel, opossum and even twice I’ve seen a coyote. Sometimes nature trail users are not very respectful about disturbing the wildlife, which is my biggest concern.
The yard has a huge amount of shade which meant, to my husband, a lot of unattractive ground cover, moss, leaves and dust. I had a different vision. HOSTAS!!!! The first summer we were here, I installed a small sun garden where the previous owner had grown vegetables. I put in plants that would attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Just this spring, I doubled the size of that garden. And then the shade garden started. First it was just in the back corner. I used all those dead leaves to make good soil. Over time, the shade garden has grown deeper and now stretches across the entire width of the back yard, about 180 feet. What started out as, “I’d like to try a couple of hostas” has now become The Land of the Hostas, with over 160 varieties.
The back yard
habitat gives me time to recharge. There’s something about getting your hands dirty that I find peaceful. I love to take plants that I’ve started from quart size and watch them grow and ultimately divide them or give them to friends. And if they don’t grow in one location, they get moved around the yard to another spot. The deer seem to enjoy nibbling on whatever trimmings get thrown over the fence. I have however, seen them standing by the fence and staring at those hostas, a virtual appetizer for them.
When I’m outside, my camera is never very far away. The hummingbirds have become used to me sitting in the middle of the garden and taking photos. The deer are also used to humans. One day, I saw a mother with triplets (something we’ve had three summers) approaching. I took my camera and went on the other side of the fence and sat in the leaves. They continued to approach while I sat very still. It wasn’t until one of the fawns got close enough to me to sniff my hand, that they realized I was on their side of the fence. It was a special moment…… one of the many reasons why I enjoy just being in my own back yard.
It can be a difficult task keeping track of the varieties of hostas I’ve accumulated. Here’s a start, a work in progress as I identify photographs.
Age of Gold
Allegan Fog
Alligator Alley
American Halo
Angel Falls
Ani Machi
August Moon
Aureo marginata
Autumn Frost
Barbara Ann
Big Daddy
Bitsey Gold
Blazing Saddle
Blueberry Muffin
Blueberry tart
Blue Cadet
Blue Ivory
Blue Mouse Ears
Brenda's Beauty
Brother Stefan
Cherry Tomato
Christmas Tree
City Lights
Clifford Comet
bloom of Clifford Comet
Cookie Crumbs
Cool as a Cucumber
Cool as a Cucumber Flower
Cracker Crumbs
Crowned Imperial
Curly Fries
Dancing Darling
Dancing Queen
Dancing Stars
Dark Shadows
Dark Star
Designer Genes
Designer Genes Flower
Diamonds are Forever
Diana Remembered
Dream Queen
Dream Weaver
Earth Angel
Emerald Recharger
Emerald Ruff Cut
Empress Wu
Empress Wu
Fire and Ice
Fire Island
First Frost
Fragrant bouquet
Frances William
Ginko Craig
Golden Tiara
Gold Standard
Great Expectations
Bloom of Great Expectations
Green and Gold
Green Mouse Ears
Guardian Angel
Half and Half
Hanky Panky
Happy Camper
Heat Wave
Heavenly Tiara
Hida No Hana
Hidden Cove
Hollywood Lights
Holy Moley
Holy Mouse Ears
Humpback Whale
Hudson Bay
Hush Puppy
Illicit Affair
Irish Luck
Island Breeze
Island Charm
June Fever
Komodo Dragon
Korean Snow
Krossa Regal
Lady Guinevere
Lakeside Baby Face
Lakeside Cupcake
Lakeside Down Sized
Lakeside Paisley Print
Lakeside Storm Watch
Lemon Delight
Limey Lisa
Little Aurora
Little Devil
Little Sunspot
Little Treasure
Little Wonder
Luna Moth
Luna Moth Flower
Lunar Eclipse
Marty's Little Bastard
Maui buttercup
Mighty Mouse
Mini Skirt
Hosta Montana
Montana in Bloom
Montana Mountain Snow
Munchin Fire
My Friend Nancy
Night Before Christmas
On Stage
Orange Marmalade
Oreo Cream
Pandora's Box
Paul's Glory
A young Pilgrim - see how it can be hard to tell what they will eventually look like
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Pocketful of Sunshine
Prairie Sunset
Praying Hands foreground surrounded
The Queen
Queen Josephine
Queen of the Seas
Queen of Seas flower
Quilting Bee
Rainbows End
Rainforest Sunrise
Razors Edge
Regal Rhubarb
Regal Splendor
Revolution Funkia
Hippo that watches over Rhino Hide
Rhino Hide
Risky Business
Robert Frost
St Elmo's Fire
St Elmo's Fire 2
School Mouse
Sea Thunder
Shade Fanfare
Snow Mouse Ears
So Sweet
Spartan Glory
Spartan Glory
Spilt Milk
Stained Glass
Striptease - different amount of sun
Silly Hippo
Sum and Substance
Sum and Substance mature
Summer Breeze
Summer Breeze
Sun Mouse
Sunlight Child
Sunny Mouse Ears
T Rex
Tic Tock
Tootsie Mae
Touch of Class
Undulata Mediovariegata
Vanilla Cream
Whirlwind Tour
White Feather
Wide Brim
Wiggles and Squiggles
Wu La La
Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
Zippity Do Dah
Great spot to have lunch
Miniature Hosta area
Collie relaxing with Hostas
Haley's Resting Spot
Pathway to More Hostas
And More Hostas
Lots of Variety
Lacey loves Hostas too
More Than Hostas
Other plants, critters and garden art are also in my own back yard.
Zing Salmon Maiden Pinks
Astilbe Fanal
Dianthus deltoides 'Brilliant'
Peony 'Karl Rosenfield'
Hens and Chick flower
Hummingbird moth
Pink Peony
Peony started from my parent's bush
Blooming Toad Lilly
After the Rain
Trumpet Vine
House Finch
Lots of Toads
Hummingbirds love the flowers
Asiatic Lily - Tiny Hope
Goldfinch in Summer Plumage
Interesting use for Christmas bulbs
Ice Plant
Grape hyacinth
Anemone blanda
Bitterroot - Rainbow Mix
Garden art glows in the dark
Red squirrel with odd tail
Lewisia longipetala - Little Plum
Fawn was one of quads
I just love a stroll through the garden
Good Morning
Mom and Baby
Converted an old birdbath to a miniature garden
Another fairy garden from recycled tub
Radio Flyer Fairy Garden May 2017
Delta Waverly Garden Club
My interest in gardening has prompted me to seek out a local garden club where members share information about their gardens with others. The Delta Waverly Garden Club was formed in 2005. There are several garden clubs in my area, but this one meets at a location a short distance from me. I joined in the fall of 2014. Their mission: “The Delta Waverly Garden Club was organized to stimulate the love of gardening, encourage home and community beautification, promote better horticultural practices and encourage all forms of conservation.” I’ve really enjoyed hearing speakers about a variety of topics who are brought in, touring other member’s gardens as well as learning and sharing information with others. Recently, I volunteered to set up a Facebook page for the club and to let others in the community know about the projects we are involved with.