After You Return

Maybe this will be your only trip to Africa.  Maybe once you visit, you will start to shift your ‘bucket list’ so you can return to Africa, because like me, it captures your soul.  It’s sometimes hard to explain to others why I enjoy Africa so much.  People will look at my photos and say “very nice”.  But for me, when I look at my photos I can smell Africa….. I can feel the adrenaline when an elephant comes so close you can smell its breath….. and I can lull myself to sleep hearing the lions roar in the distance.

I didn’t really discover the Africa Forums on TripAdvisor until after I returned from my first trip.  I enjoy reading questions from others planning their first trip to Africa.  I enjoy offering my opinion when it seemed relevant.  But what I enjoy most, is reading what others have to say after they have returned or shared their photos.  Their shared experiences have helped me determine what I wanted to see and where I wanted to stay on my other trips.  I continue to read posts as I….. Dream of Africa.

Links to Kenya and Tanzania forums can be found at