My interest in gardening has grown considerably since I moved to my current location in 2001. Many people find shade gardening a real challenge. We do have other areas of the yard which have sun, but a large portion of our yard is in deep shade… an ideal area for HOSTAS.
As many hosta lovers have found, the interest usually starts with a ‘few’ and rapidly grows. I started out with 4 plants in the far corner of the yard in deep shade. That was a very small garden area. Since nothing else was growing under the trees besides ivy, weeds, hunks of grass not getting enough sunlight, I continued to expand that section. The tiny circle widened, then it stretched to the side, then it moved more towards the middle of the yard, then it widened…. you see the pattern. Hostas require next to nothing in the way of care. There are so many varieties… miniature to giant, solid colors to beautiful patterns and some more sun tolerant than others.
The hardest challenge is remembering what you have purchased and marking them because people will surely want to know what a particular variety is. I keep a spreadsheet of the ones I’ve purchased, along with a general location of where they are planted. I suppose a detailed map might be in order to help me remark those which lose their markers. Summer of 2017 has been particularly challenging between tags getting removed during leaf raking as well as the squirrels having a ‘marker party’ digging them out (I have no idea what the interest is there).
I’m currently in the process of remarking hostas with 10 inch markers that have plates on them that can be engraved. Hopefully, their survival rate will be longer than the previous tags used. This requires studying the photos I’ve taken and matching them to the spreadsheet information. It is also a good way to get reacquainted with their beauty. My initial 4 have become more in the order of 200 different varieties.
In late November, 2024, after fighting with a variety of tags (plastic – which broke, copper etched which often came off, one that I had used permanent paint markers on – which would fade after one season), tripping over them and making leaf raking a big challenge, I started the process of pulling the tags and just enjoying my hostas. There is a high probably if someone asks about a specific variety, I may recognize it (or could match against my photos), but for now, they will just be beautiful hostas.
Age of Gold
Allegan Fog
Alligator Alley
American Halo
Angel Falls
Ani Machi
August Moon
Aureo marginata
Autumn Frost
Barbara Ann
Big Daddy
Bitsey Gold
Blazing Saddle
Blueberry Muffin
Blueberry tart
Blue Cadet
Blue Ivory
Blue Mouse Ears
Brenda's Beauty
Brother Stefan
Cherry Tomato
Christmas Tree
City Lights
Clifford Comet
bloom of Clifford Comet
Cookie Crumbs
Cool as a Cucumber
Cool as a Cucumber Flower
Cracker Crumbs
Crowned Imperial
Curly Fries
Dancing Darling
Dancing Queen
Dancing Stars
Dark Shadows
Dark Star
Designer Genes
Designer Genes Flower
Diamonds are Forever
Diana Remembered
Dream Queen
Dream Weaver
Earth Angel
Emerald Recharger
Emerald Ruff Cut
Empress Wu
Empress Wu
Fire and Ice
Fire Island
First Frost
Fragrant bouquet
Frances William
Ginko Craig
Golden Tiara
Gold Standard
Great Expectations
Bloom of Great Expectations
Green and Gold
Green Mouse Ears
Guardian Angel
Half and Half
Hanky Panky
Happy Camper
Heat Wave
Heavenly Tiara
Hida No Hana
Hidden Cove
Hollywood Lights
Holy Moley
Holy Mouse Ears
Humpback Whale
Hudson Bay
Hush Puppy
Illicit Affair
Irish Luck
Island Breeze
Island Charm
June Fever
Komodo Dragon
Korean Snow
Krossa Regal
Lady Guinevere
Lakeside Baby Face
Lakeside Cupcake
Lakeside Down Sized
Lakeside Paisley Print
Lakeside Storm Watch
Lemon Delight
Limey Lisa
Little Aurora
Little Devil
Little Sunspot
Little Treasure
Little Wonder
Luna Moth
Luna Moth Flower
Lunar Eclipse
Marty's Little Bastard
Maui buttercup
Mighty Mouse
Mini Skirt
Hosta Montana
Montana in Bloom
Montana Mountain Snow
Munchin Fire
My Friend Nancy
Night Before Christmas
On Stage
Orange Marmalade
Oreo Cream
Pandora's Box
Paul's Glory
A young Pilgrim - see how it can be hard to tell what they will eventually look like