Reunion Photos 2024

Our 11th Everett Informal Reunion was held September 14th at Corey’s.  Attendance this year was a bit smaller, approximately 28 (including spouses).  Some of our regulars were absent but several came in from a distance away. Kathy Grimes Kempf came the farthest (South Carolina). The weather was extremely cooperative. As always, lots of laughs, and ‘remember when’ made for an enjoyable evening of conversation.  Laurena was busy circulating getting feedback regarding the short questionnaire posted on our Facebook page (and also her website) ( under Thoughts about our 55th Reunion). If you haven’t given me responses yet, be sure to let me know (either on the Facebook post or on the website where there is an envelope symbol at the bottom of the page to email me) as our Reunion Committee will be making some decisions soon. Great to see everyone!