Girls Luncheons

The Girls of Everett 1970 luncheons are a wonderful way to stay in touch and have been enjoyed by many.  Our group continues to grow.  Announcement of our next get together  is listed under Upcoming Events and also added on our Facebook page.

September 2014

The “girls” of Everett Class of 1970 enjoyed a lovely fall day and had lunch at Coreys on September 25th. Lots of conversation was shared by thirteen that attended. We’re hoping to catch even more on the next gathering to be held on Monday, October 27th, 12:30pm at Coreys. Ladies, pass the word along.

November 2014

The “girls” of Everett Class of 1970 braved the snowstorm to have lunch at Coreys on November 19, 2014. A great time was had by the eleven that attended. The next gathering will be Wednesday, December 10th, 12n at Coreys. Ladies, pass the word along.

December 2014

A very happy 13 “girls” of Everett Class of 1970 gathered together at Coreys on December 10, 2014. Our group is growing and we love it! The next get together will be Monday, January 19th, 12n at Coreys.

January 2015

Fourteen “girls” of Everett Class of 1970 gathered together at Coreys on January 19, 2015. Our group is growing and we love it! The next get together will be Monday, February 16th, 12n at Coreys.

February 2015

Fourteen “girls” of the Everett Class of 1970 gathered together at Coreys on February 16, 2015. We braved the polar blast to share lots of laughs and memories. The next get together will be Monday, March 16th, 12n at Coreys.

March 2015

Fifteen “girls” of the Everett Class of 1970 gathered together at Coreys on March 16, 2015. This was our largest group so far – possibly because the weather was beautiful. It was extra special because two of our “missing” classmates joined us (DuAnn Block Ash and Carol Middleton Krum). Love being able to remove people from the “Have You Seen These Classmates” list. The next get together will be Monday, April 20th, 12n at Coreys.

April 2015

Nineteen “girls” of the Everett Class of 1970 gathered together at Coreys on April 20, 2015 making this our largest group to date. Linda Campbell Richard joined the group today which makes another classmate off the “Have You Seen These Classmates” list. Always a lot of fun and especially nice to see those we have not seen in a while. The next get together will be Monday May 18th, 12n at Coreys.

May 2015

Fifteen “girls” of the Everett Class of 1970 had an enjoyable time catching up.  We missed those who couldn’t make today but also enjoyed seeing those we have not seen in a while.  The next get together will be Monday June 15th, 12n at Coreys.

June 2015

Fifteen “girls” of the Everett Class of 1970 came out rain or shine and had another fun time of catching up.  Always a variety of attendees depending on other commitments.  Nice to have Bill Corey come and say hi.  Great food as always.  Our next gathering will be Monday July 13th, 12n at Coreys.

July 2015

An even dozen Girls of Everett Class of 1970 enjoyed lunch this month.  A little smaller group today due to summer colds and other commitments but still lots of laughs and memories.  Good to see you as always Bill.  Our next gathering will be Monday August 10th, 12n at Coreys.  Hope to see you then!

August 2015

Fifteen Girls of Everett Class of 1970 braved more rain coming to lunch from throughout the area than I can ever remember driving through. I think an Ark would have been more appropriate to arrive in. I couldn’t believe so many showed up but we continue to come together to share laughs, and give each other strength through the events we’ve had in our lives. Although Sue Beckner Mayes, Linda Fink McAlvey, Sherrie Hayes Wellman, Sherrie Eastman Nunheimer, Linda Clark Anderson, Cathy Beaudoin Estrada, DuAnn Block Ash, Paula Munn Krauss, Kathy Hammell Felton, Karly Black Rudd, Carol Middleton Krum, Dixie Tirban Bender, Martha Foster McDowell, Diane Reck and Laurena Jenkins Hoffmeyer attended, I’m only posting a few photos. You ladies looked a lot better than I captured in the photos. I’ll blame it on my contacts being fogged up from the rain. Our next luncheon will be Monday, September 14th, 12n at Coreys.

September 2015

Nineteen Girls of Everett Class of 1970 were looking exceptionally colorful and lovely today.  At least we didn’t have to sport those rain hair styles that we did the last luncheon.    It was a beautiful day.  In addition to our host Bill Corey stopping by our lengthy table, Bob Bassila also dropped in and took our group photo.  Good job Bob!  Our next luncheon will be Monday, October 12th, 12n at Coreys.

November 2015

We numbered eleven for our November luncheon.  A couple of ‘girls’ have ventured to warmer climates for the winter and I think some may have been enjoying the last nice fall days getting outside work done.  Nonetheless, we had a great time and some new faces today which is always fun.  Our next luncheon will be Monday, December 14th, 12n at Coreys.

December 2015

A festive group of 19 Girls of Everett Class of 1970 enjoyed a lot of conversation at Coreys today.  Even Bill braved all the laughing to stop by.  He and his son were busy fixing a large variety of yummy entrees for us.  The balmy December weather was also an enjoyment.  A lot of chatting today about holiday activities.  Our thanks to Penny for bringing us the tasty decorated cookies!  Our next luncheon will be Monday, January 11th, 12n at Coreys.  We need 1 more person to break our highest count of 19.

January 2016

Happy New Year!!  Laughter filled the room with 18 Girls of Everett Class of 1970 at Coreys on a cold January 11th.  We really kept our great server Brooke busy.  I don’t know how she does it!  Our next luncheon will be Monday, February 8th, 12n at Coreys.

February 2016

We considered ourselves ‘Lucky’ that 13 Girls of Everett Class of 1970 attended our monthly luncheon coming from locations as far away as Alma and Holland.  Welcome to Dorothy Hurshman McDonald who joined us today for the first time.  Thanks to Diana Rorabaugh for bringing us a Valentines Day treat and to Corey’s for the festive decorations.  Our next luncheon will be Monday, March 14th, 12n at Coreys.

March 2016

We broke our record of 19 attendees today and had 20 amazing ladies get together for a rousing monthly luncheon.  Conversations were lively along with all the laughter, even on a gloomy day.  The Easter Bunny (Cindy Hosimer) made a surprise visit leaving chocolate eggs behind.  Our next Girls luncheon will be Monday, April 11th, 12n at Coreys.

April 2016

We were so glad the rain stopped today and the sun came out so 16 Girls of Everett Class of 1970 could enjoy such stimulating conversation and lots of laughs.  The table flowers were a great welcome to spring!  Our next luncheon will be Monday, May 9th, 12n at Coreys.

May 2016

A good turnout for the May luncheon.  Laurena was on the road traveling to Montana, so Gayle Sheathelm Stull was nice enough to capture images in my absence.

June 2016

A nice day for visiting with 18 Girls of Everett Class of 1970.  Bill Corey stopped by to make sure we weren’t causing any trouble and later Bob Bassila paid a surprise visit.  Our next luncheon will be Monday, July 18th, 12n at Coreys.

July 2016

Our luncheon this month fell on Diane Rorabaugh’s birthday.  As a surprise, Sue Beckner Mayes baked a yummy cake which all 14 of us enjoyed.  Thanks Sue!  Bob Bassila dropped by to give us an update on how his knee replacement was doing.  This is helpful information for those of us that may have this on our horizon (or for comparison purposes for those who have already been there, done that, got the t shirt).

NOTE: Our next luncheon on Monday, August 8th will be at Hibachi Grill, 5837 W. Saginaw, Lansing (in the Hobby Lobby shopping center) due to a room conflict at Coreys.  They will seat us together at a long table. It is a self serve buffet. Cost for us ‘seniors’ is $5.99 per person plus a gratuity of 15% plus tax. According to my math skills, that is $7.25 per person.  To make it easier for them, if you could reimburse me the $7.25, I can pay it as a single bill, preventing them from having to write separate receipts for each person.  Thanks in advance.

August 2016

This month’s luncheon was another successful time with 20 lovely ladies enjoying the wonderful weather.  Apologies to Sherry Hayes Wellman and Linda Clark Anderson for missing their photo.  We also tried Hibachi Grill in W. Lansing for a change of cuisine.  Several suggested we may want to alternate locations.  So watch for posted information on where we will be.

Our next luncheon will be on Monday, September 12th back at Coreys at 12n.  Even though it is right before our informal reunion on Friday, September 16th, the ladies decided they enjoy getting together so much, that we will have lunch that week too.

September 2016

We had beautiful weather for our luncheon today.  Fifteen happy girls enjoyed lunch, conversation and a preview of the slide show for this Friday’s Informal Reunion.  We talked about our luncheon location and decided Variety is the Spice of Life.  Our next luncheon will be on Monday, October 10th at 11:45am at the Hibachi Grill in West Lansing.

Details for Lunch: For our next luncheon, Monday October 10th we will be at Hibachi Grill, 5837 W. Saginaw, Lansing (in the Hobby Lobby shopping center).   Time:  11:45am  When you enter the lobby, our group will most likely be to the left side in the large room. They will seat us together at a long table. It is a self serve buffet. Cost for us ‘seniors’ is $5.99 per person plus a gratuity of 15% plus tax. According to my math skills, that is $7.25 per person. To make it easier for them, if you could reimburse me the $7.25, I can pay it as a single bill, preventing them from having to write separate receipts for each person. Thanks in advance.

October 2016

Well ladies, we broke our record at this month’s luncheon.  We had a very happy group of 22 Girls of Everett Class of 1970 and one special guest, Sherrie Eastman Nunheimer’s daughter Sandy.  The weather was lovely and the room giddy with conversation.  I could only wonder what those people seated around us were thinking…  what a fantastic looking group of women enjoying lunch together.

Our next luncheon will be on Monday, November 14th back at Coreys at 12n.  Hope to see many of you there again.

November 2016

As I walked into our luncheon today, and feeling a bit reflective, I thought how fortunate I am to belong to such a well connected high school class.  It no longer matters what groups we hung out with, who had boyfriends, who didn’t, where we lived or what we wore.  It’s just great to see who comes to our Girl’s Luncheons (15 today) where we laugh or sometimes feel sad and share experiences but we always have a great time and remember that we are all Everett Vikings.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, December 12th at Coreys at 12n.  Come join us and relax before the holiday craziness begins.

December 2016

Despite the snow fall of the past couple of days [where our mail service apparently thinks the roads are impassable], 15 of our ‘nothing is stopping us from attending the Girls Luncheon’ enjoyed lunch at Coreys today.  Everyone always has such a great time getting together, sharing what is new in their lives, having some laughs and can’t wait until the next luncheon.  Penny brought her highly enjoyed decorated cookies.  Yum!  Some will be enjoying sunny weather during the winter months but will remain in contact with us as we continue to enjoy our time together.

Our next luncheon, Monday January 16th will be at Hibachi Grill, 5837 W. Saginaw, Lansing (in the Hobby Lobby shopping center).   Time:  11:30am.  When you enter the lobby, our group will most likely be to the left side in the large room. They will seat us together at a long table. It is a self serve buffet. The cost for us ‘seniors’ will be $7.25 which includes buffet, beverage, gratuity and tax.  To make it easier for them, if you could reimburse me, I can pay it as a single bill, preventing them from having to write separate receipts for each person. Thanks in advance.

The date in January falls on MLK day so we thought those women that normally work and that have the day off, can come and enjoy the fun!

January 2017

Our luncheon group for January was a little smaller, 10 in number.  But that didn’t stop us from enjoying lots of laughs over lunch at Hibachi Grill. 

Our next luncheon will be Monday, February 13th at Corey’s Lounge.  Time will be 12n. Hope you can join us.

February 2017

The spring weather brought out 17 happy Girls of Everett 70 to enjoy great food and laughter.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, March 13th at Coreys at 12n.  Come join us.  Spring will be even closer!

April 2017

Even though the weather looked unpredictable, 20 lovely Girls of Everett 70 gathered for another wonderful luncheon.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, May 8th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.  Come join us.  We have a blast!

May 2017

A cold but sunny May day made for an enjoyable luncheon for 18 happy Girls of Everett 70.  Lots of conversation and laughter around the table.  Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, June 12th at Corey’s Lounge at 11:30am.  Come join us.  We always have lots of fun!

June 2017

Eighteen excited Girls of Everett 70 braved the sauna heat outside to enjoy a cool luncheon at Coreys.  Lots of catching up!

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, July 10th at Corey’s Lounge at 11:30am.  We’d love to see you.

July 2017

Today’s group made it very simple for photographs.  Despite only having 6 in attendance, we sure caught up on a lot of interesting topics and had many laughs.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, August 14 at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.  Come and join us.  We missed you!

August 2017

Sixteen Girls of Everett 70 enjoyed the great buffet at Hibachi Grill and a lot of wonderful conversation and catching up.  We will still have the Girls Luncheon in September (11th at Hibachi Grill) in addition to the Informal Class Reunion on September 16th at Coreys.   Great times ahead!

September 2017

Our official record has been broken this month.  There were 23 in attendance.  I do have to qualify that statement and say there were 22 ladies plus Bob Bassila who was getting a jump on our Informal Reunion this Saturday (16th).  We all had a great time.  Ladies as far away as Florida joined us (Connie Warner).  We all love this time to get together and catch up.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, October 9th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.

October 2017

Eleven Girls of Everett 70 enjoyed the beautiful fall weather to gather for lunch.  We always find so many different topics to talk about, pictures to share, and of course, lots of laughs.  Welcome to Lucy Emery Matthews who attended today for the first time.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, November 13th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.

November 2017

Twenty one happy Girls of Everett 1970 enjoyed lunch and laughter together at our monthly luncheon.  It’s so good to see everyone including some faces we haven’t seen in a while.  There is nothing like a lot of laughter to cheer you up on an overcast day!

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, December 11th at Corey’s Lounge at 11:30am.  We look forward to those of you who can join us and relax before the busy holidays.

December 2017

Bubbling conversation was enjoyed by seventeen of our Girls of Everett 1970.  The unpredictable Michigan winter weather can be a problem, but we toughed our way through it to enjoy each other’s company.  For added fun, we had a white elephant gift exchange where packages were flying and takeback stealing was an art.  The gift of lottery tickets seemed to be the item in highest demand.  As we mentioned Diane Reck, if you win big, you have to share.  Another person, who we won’t name, managed to have a wine bottle gift and we noticed that it was kept pretty hidden.  Our biggest surprise was when our waitress and Bill came to tell us that Classmate Santa had taken care of the entire lunch tab.  He must have known via our Facebook group that we were there.  Thanks so much Santa.  It was very appreciated.  The decorations at Corey’s were lovely too.  We all had a great time as always.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, January 8th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.  We look forward to those of you who can join us.

January 2018

Happy New Year to all!  The weather today started out a little too dicey for some to attend but the twelve that did had a wonderful time.  Sue Mayes surprised the heck out of Laurena and brought in a delicious cake she made and decorated.  It was in the shape of an elephant.  Doesn’t get any better than that.  Thanks Sue!  Linda West Clark joined us today.  Great to see you again today after a little absence.  She was pretty sneaky and avoided the photos.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, February 12th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.  We hope the weather is nice so those we missed today can join us.

April 2018

Still being somewhat winter, many of our Girls are still not back from warmer climates.  Our luncheon at Corey’s was attended by eleven and we had great conversation as always. 

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, May 14th at Falsetta’s Casa Nova on Waverly at 11:30am.

May 2018

Sixteen lovely ‘Girls’ enjoyed our monthly luncheon, this time at Falsetta’s Casa Nova.  We did share some very sad news about our classmate, Cindy Hosimer.  That lead to laughing about times in Girl Scouts which many of us shared with her.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, June 11th at Piazzano’s at 11:30am.  Piazzano’s Restaurant is located at 1825 North Grand River, East of MLK Blvd. (or Logan as many of us remember).

June 2018

An even dozen ‘Girls’ enjoyed our monthly luncheon, trying yet another place, Piazzano’s Restaurant.  Our waitress did an amazing job getting our tasty meals out so fast considering she had to carry them to our private room downstairs.  During the summer months, many are traveling but those that came had a great time.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, July 16th (note this is the 3rd Monday of the month) at the newly opened Art’s Pub on Kalamazoo.

July 2018

We set a new record today with 30 ‘Girls’ for lunch at the newly reopened Arts Pub.  Many were from out of town and happened to have their schedules line up to enjoy the great time.  There was certainly a lot of hugs and catching up going on.  Although I tried to get photos of everyone, there were a couple of you that were going incognito.  Our waitress, Zera, did an amazing job!

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, August 13th at Corey’s Restaurant on Cedar.

August 2018

We knew we would have a smaller group than last month, but 15 Girls of Everett 70 enjoyed a wonderful luncheon at Coreys.  Lots of buzz about our upcoming informal reunion.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, September 10th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.

September 2018

Always hard to tell how many will show up.  It looked like we would have a smaller group, but we had 17 Girls of Everett 70 who had an enjoyable lunch at Hibachi Grill.  We are especially happy to see a new face or one we haven’t seen in a long time.  There sure was a variety of discussions around the table.  One topic included having a few ‘senior moments’ but I don’t remember much about that one.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, October 8th at Coreys at 11:30am.

October 2018

It was a lovely day for our Girls Luncheon.  A great social time for 17 Girls of Everett 70.  Always nice to see new faces (Christine Potter Kobylinski) and some we had not seen for a while.  It was great to have Deb Scott Conroy join us and see she is doing so well.  We never run out of topics to talk about and laughs to share.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, November 12th at Hibachi Grill at 11:30am.

November 2018

Some were traveling, some recovering from recent surgeries, some gone for warmer winter climates but 10 happy Girls of Everett 70 enjoyed lunch at Hibachi Grill this month.  Marc Bennetts’ wife Kathy, dropped off orders and brought extra of her wonderful homemade caramel candies.  Yum!  A special guest, Sock Monkey No Name made an appearance.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, December 10th at Corey’s Lounge.  At the request of several, we will have the optional holiday gift exchange.  If you’d like to participate, bring a wrapped gift (approximate $10 value) and we will have a fun/exciting way of exchanging them.  Last years exchange generated a lot of laughs.

December 2018

Our Girl’s Luncheon was beyond fun. Nineteen of us enjoyed lunch. We also had a fun surprise from Mr. and Mrs. Santa [Carol Osterhouse Wotring and Don Wotring] who sweetened us up by buying desserts for us. Thanks so much Carol and Don. Then we had a crazy gift exchange followed by a rowdy try to steal the gift you want even more. Despite Sherrie Eastman Nunheimer’s trying to hide her treasured bottle of Relax Riesling wine, I had it for a short time, but then it was taken by another. Sherrie said she wasn’t speaking to me, but that lasted about 2 minutes. A fun time was had by all. It was great to see everyone including new faces and some we haven’t seen in a while.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, January 14th at Corey’s Lounge.

January 2019

Is it January already?  The weather was very cooperative today which made it possible for 12 Everett Girls to have productive discussion about our upcoming 50th reunion as well as some rather humorous topics.  We missed some of our regulars who are traveling to warmer locations at this time.  Thanks to Gail Sawyer for baking a red velvet cake for all us to share in celebration of Laurena’s birthday.  Bill Corey stopped by to tell us that retired Everett teacher Ron Pohlonski was sitting at the table behind us and he popped his head through the wall to say hi.  Everyone had a great time.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, February 11th at Corey’s Lounge

February 2019

It’s that time of the year when many of our Girls take off to warmer climates.  The rest of us have the hard task of sitting around, telling jokes, talking about it can’t really be true that our 50th reunion is coming up in another year and generally enjoying each others company.  We may have only been 9, but from the sounds of the laughter, it sounded like a much larger group.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, March 11th at Falsetta’s Casa Nova.  I hear Sexton’s Class of 1955 will also be in the back room again.

March 2019

Twenty Girls of Everett 1970 enjoyed a sunny day with lunch at Falsettas Casa Nova.  There was so much laughter and conversation happening, I think the Sexton Class of 1955 that was originally sharing the room with us, moved to the other side of the restaurant.  These luncheons are always so much fun!

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, April 8th at Coreys.

April 2019

We could not have asked for better weather for our luncheon this month – sun and 70 degrees.  Fifteen excited women came to enjoy the weather, food and lots of laughter.  Time sure does fly when we are having fun.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, May 13th at Coreys.

May 2019

Spring has definitely arrived, much to our excitement.  A smaller group of nine Girls joined us at Coreys this month.  No matter what the size of the group, we always have fun and laughter.  Oh, and look….. a couple of the Boys of Everett 1970 found out where we were hanging out.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, June 10th at Falsettas Casa Nova on Waverly.

June 2019

The sun came out briefly but clouds, rain, sun can’t scare off our lively group of 19 Girls of Everett 70 gathered to enjoy each others company at Falsettas Casa Nova.  I noticed that the Sexton Class of 1955 (4 ladies) moved again to the other room.  I thought a group photo might be nice for a change.  Note, I said “I thought”…. back to the 2-3 to a photo pictures.  Paula Munn Krauss thought it would be nice to prove I was there so she took a photo.  Great job Paula.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, July 8th at Buddies in Holt.  If the weather is cooperative, we will be out on the patio.  Just listen for the laughter to know where we are.

July 2019

You never know what the weather will bring.  After so much rain, heat and bugs, the debate was to eat inside or out. Turned out to be a beautiful day.  Fifteen very chatty Girls of Everett 70 gathered at Buddies.  There seems to be a pattern here because when our large group gathers, a few nearby restaurant goers are requesting to be moved.  We are just so happy to be able to gather and enjoy the latest in each other’s lives.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, August 12th at Buddies again.

August 2019

Construction around the Lansing area made it a little tricky for our luncheon today.  But the fun we always have and great conversations make it all worthwhile.  Fifteen Girls of Everett 70 (including some faces we haven’t seen for a while) gathered at Buddies.  If you’ve never been to one of our Girl’s Luncheons or haven’t been in a while, come and see how much fun we have.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, September 9th at Hibachi Grill (in the Hobby Lobby Plaza on W. Saginaw).  Further details are listed under upcoming events.

September 2019

Eighteen lovely Girls enjoyed a great luncheon at Hibachi Grill.  We sure do discuss a lot of topics.  If you are looking for photos this month, we looked a lot better than the couple I captured, so I’m not posting them this month.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, October 14th at Buddies in Holt.  The question was raised if we were going to get together in October for Girls Lunch since our Informal Reunion is that Saturday.  The answer…. YES because we have so much fun.

October 2019

Although Fall has officially arrived and it was quite cold, fifteen happy Girls of Everett 70 enjoyed lunch at Buddies.  Lots of excitement with our upcoming informal reunion on October 19th.  We also continue to solve ‘world problems’ (where did we leave something, where are we going to go next month or “do you remember?”). 

Our next Girls Luncheon will be Monday, November 11th, 11:30am at Coreys on Cedar St.

December 2019

Mother Nature foiled us for the November luncheon so we had to party extra hard.  A great luncheon followed by a very festive and fun gift exchange.  We may need to find a different game next year to make it easier for us to follow. 

Our next Girls Luncheon will be Monday, January 13th, 11:30am at Falsetta’s Casa Nova on Waverly (due to our initial choice declining us).

January 2020

Winter is upon us and some are enjoying warmer climates or traveling from a further distance and unsure about the roads.  We had eleven for our luncheon this month at Falsetta’s.  It appears that we didn’t scare off the Sexton Class of 1955 but they were at the very far end of the room.  It was also very nice that those that we hadn’t seen for a while, were able to join us.  A surprise birthday cake was provided by Gail Sawyer (very yummy) and Sue Beckner Mayes also brought a pan of brownies which did not make it to the table (but I will say Sue, when they arrived at home and were spotted by Bruce, they were definitely ‘quality checked’ and were delish).  Your kind thoughts by all were greatly appreciated.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be Monday, February 10th, 11:30am at Coreys Lounge on Cedar.

October 2020

It has been an unusual year for our Girl’s Luncheon.  We couldn’t meet for a while, and then during the summer we enjoyed potlucks at Sharp Park.  Although there were fewer attendees, those that came were so happy to get together and share some laughs.  We certainly needed it.

I was really looking forward to our first inside luncheon in September, but an uncoordinated move made me miss it.  That meant that I REALLY enjoyed our October gathering of 9 at Coreys.  Bill stopped by our table and we all enjoyed chatting with him.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be Monday, November 9th, 11:30am, again at Coreys Lounge on Cedar.

November 2021

We had a wonderful turnout for our November luncheon!  There were 18 amazing ‘girls’ that came to lunch at Falsetta’s Casa Nova.  So much laughter and catching up.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be Monday, December 13th, 11:30am at Coreys Lounge on Cedar.  In our usual December fashion, we will have our OPTIONAL gift exchange ($10 limit).  It is always guaranteed to create noise, laughs and fun.

December 2021

Our lively December luncheon at Corey’s Lounge was attended by 14 enthusiastic ‘girls’ who just could not wait to have some laughs, enjoy some good food and partake in our lively gift exchange.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be Monday, January 10th, 11:30am at Falsetta’s Casa Nova on Waverly.  Hope you can join us!

February 2022

Fourteen excited ‘girls’ attended our February luncheon at Gravity Restaurant and shared our usual laughs and stories.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, March 14th, 11:30am at Corey’s Lounge on Cedar Street. We always enjoy getting together and sharing Girl chat.

March 2022

Eighteen ‘girls’ attended our March luncheon at Corey’s Lounge. Spring weather always brings us out with even more enthusiasm.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, April 11th, 11:30am at Hibachi Grill on W. Saginaw (where Hobby Lobby used to be).  The Senior Buffet at lunch is $8.50. With tax and gratuity, that brings our price up to $10.36. It would be greatly appreciated for those attending, if you just round it up to $10.50 to make it easy to collect the money so that I can pay the total bill. This amount does include your beverage, gratuity and tax.

August 2022

We have definitely been gathering monthly since March including a tasty potluck last month.  Fifteen ‘girls’ braved the heat for another enjoyable luncheon. Always lots of laughs to be had.

Our next Girls Luncheon will be on Monday, September 12th, 11:30am at Buddies Grill in Holt.

September 2022

Fourteen ‘girls’ attended our September luncheon at Buddies in Holt.  Had a great time talking and laughing about everything under the sun and talking about the informal reunion held a few days before.

Our next Girls Luncheon, as a new suggestion by several, will be on Monday, October 10th, 11:30am at Tony M’s Restaurant located at 3420 S. Creyts Rd., Lansing 48917 (located at the corner of Creyts and Millett Hwy.).

November 2022

It was quite the group of ‘girls’ that attended our November luncheon with 22 present.  Lots of catching up (especially with some new attendees) and laughter (as we always do).

Our next Girls Luncheon will be held on Monday, December 12th, 11:30am at Corey’s Lounge on Cedar.  We will have an OPTIONAL gift exchange (maximum $10). If you wish to participate, bring a gift and ultimately, you will go home with a gift after a humorous story, and often some swapping and/or ‘stealing’ from each other. If you plan on attending, please let me know via our FB page, or by my email ( by Friday, December 9th so I can give an accurate count to Corey’s and they can be prepared for great service.

December 2022

What a December luncheon we had. Eighteen festively dressed ‘girls’ engaged in great conversation and food, and a lively optional gift swap where one gift was the sought after (a lovely decorated wine bottle which had festive lights) and frequently ‘stolen’ from another person. Lucky Gail Sawyer ended up with it.

Our next GIRL’s Luncheon will be Monday, January 9th at 11:30am at Hibachi Grill (on W. Saginaw in the former Hobby Lobby plaza).  I double checked their pricing and it has gone up from what their website says.  Lunch is now $8.99 for seniors, plus our group gratuity and tax but it still includes our beverage.  Cost will be $11, which I can collect, then I’ll pay the bill like we’ve done in the past. Please let me know if you are planning to attend by January 6th (either via FB or to so I can let the restaurant know how many to expect.

January 2023

Our 16 ‘girls’ that joined our luncheon really appreciated that the sun actually came out. Must have been the positive vibes. Unfortunately, in all the excitement, photos were forgotten. We were also surprised and appreciative that classmate Bob Bassila stopped by and took care of our bill. Thank you Bob.

Our next GIRL’S Luncheon will be Monday, February 13th at 11:30am at Buddies Grill in Holt.  We are confirmed on our reservation.  Please let me know if you are planning to attend by February 10th (either via FB or to so I can let the restaurant know how many to expect).

February 2023

The sun was out, temperatures nice and 15 lovely ‘girls’ had a great time conversing over lunch at Buddies.

Our next GIRL’S Luncheon will be Monday, March 13th at 11:30am at Gravity Smokehouse on Cedar St.  I have confirmed our reservation.  Please let me know if you are planning to attend by March 10th (either via FB or to so I can let the restaurant know how many to expect).

March 2023

Despite the weather being a bit iffy today, fourteen Girls were anxious to get together over lunch and lots of laughs and conversations. Several traveled quite a distance.

Our next GIRL’S Luncheon will be Monday, April 10th at 11:30am at Coral Gables on Grand River in East Lansing. I have confirmed our reservation and they are putting us in a side room because they know how rowdy we seniors can be. Please let me know if you are planning to attend by April 7th (either via FB or to so I can let the restaurant know how many to expect).

April 2023

Spring has finally come and the sun was out. Sixteen Everett Girls enjoyed lunch, conversation and a lot of laughs at Coral Gables.

Our next GIRL’S Luncheon will be Monday, May 8th at 11:30am at Corey’s Lounge on Cedar. Please let me know if you are planning to attend by Thursday, May 4th (either via FB or to so I can let the restaurant know how many to expect).

July 2023

We had a lovely potluck for our luncheon this month at Sharp Park. Everything was great! Your photographer however, is still a bit jet lagged and thinking about 3750 photos to deal with from a recent trip, and did not get a photo.

Our next Girl’s Luncheon will be Monday, Aug. 14th, 11:30 at the Coral Gables restaurant in E. Lansing. They have put us in the front room again (which was really nice last time). PLEASE let me know if you plan to attend no later than Thursday, Aug. 10th, so I can give the restaurant a head count. Thanks. They really appreciate knowing how many to expect.

August 2023

Despite the construction all over town, twenty Everett Girls made it to Coral Gables for our August luncheon and were very excited for all the fun conversation.

Our next Girl’s Luncheon will be Monday, Sept. 11th at Gravity Smokehouse & BBQ at 2440 Cedar St. in Holt. PLEASE let me know if you plan to attend no later than Thursday, Sept. 7th, so I can give the restaurant a head count. They really appreciate knowing for food and staff planning.

November 2023

We had 18 attend our November luncheon at Buddies. Lots of lively conversation and good food.

Our next Girl’s Luncheon will be Monday, December 11th, 11:30am at Corey’s on Cedar. We will have our optional gift exchange ($10 limit) which is always hysterical to see who goes home with what. Please let me know if you plan to attend by Thursday, December 7th so I can give them an accurate number. Thanks.

December 2023

Eighteen very enthusiastic Girls attended our December luncheon. Chaos ensued as we opened our exchange gifts. Difficult decisions had to be made (well, first we had to figure out the rules again) then it became a ‘keep it’ or ‘steal’. It was hysterical.

Our January, 2024 Girl’s Luncheon, will be Monday, January 8th, 11:30am at Falsetta’s Casa Nova on Waverly Road. Reservations are confirmed. Please let me know by Thursday, January 4th, if you plan to attend so I can let the restaurant know.

February 2024

Although chilly, eighteen happy Girls with lots to share, enjoyed our lunch at Corey’s today. Even better, the sun was shining. Birthday girl Carol Greenup Leitch brought us yummy Valentines cookies.

Our March, 2024 Girl’s Luncheon will be Monday, March 11th, 11:30am at Coral Gables on E. Grand River in East Lansing. Reservations are confirmed. Please let me know by Thursday, March 7th, if you plan to attend, either at or on our Facebook page.

March 2024

Our April, 2024 Girl’s Luncheon will be Monday, April 8th, 11:30am at Hibachi Grill on W. Saginaw in Delta Township. I’ve made our reservations and checked the current cost for the weekday senior luncheon. Lunch, which includes buffet and beverage, with automatic gratuity for group plus tax, brings it to $12 (just slightly under but rounding it up makes it easier to collect so I can pay just one bill to them to make it faster).

January 2025

Twelve Everett enthusiastic women enjoyed lunch at Falsetta’s Casa Nova this month. I missed this month because I was celebrating my birthday in Kenya where it was a LOT warmer (a bit too warm for me). Our nice waitress was able to get a photo of the happy group.

February 2025

Ten lovely ladies enjoyed lunch at Corey’s Lounge this month. Gail Sawyer stepped in to be my photographer. After my January trip to Kenya, I faced a short hospital stay and an upcoming knee replacement so I wasn’t able to enjoy conversation with you. I certainly could have enjoyed the laughs.

Upcoming Girl’s Luncheon Schedule 2025

A listing of the locations for all upcoming Girl’s Luncheons is listed under Upcoming Events.